Lesson 1 The Sphere

Jan 02, 2014 | Comments

Learning drawing has a lot to do with controlling the lighting in the picture. This lesson teaches how to identify the light source and where to shade objects in your drawing. We will draw a 3D sphere.

Before we start drawing, there are 9 fundamental laws of drawing to create the illusion of depth. As follows:

  1. Foreshortening: Distort an object to create the illusion that one part of it is closer to your eye.
  2. Placement: Place an object lower on the surface of a picture to make it appear closer to your eye.
  3. Size: Draw an object larger to make it appear closer to your eye.
  4. Overlapping: Draw an object in front of another object to create the visual illusion that it is closer to your eye.
  5. Shading: Draw darkness on an object opposite the positioned light source to creat the illusion of depth.
  6. Shadow: Draw darkness on the ground next to the object, opposite the positioned light source, to create the illusion of depth.
  7. Contour lines: Draw curving lines wrapping around the shape of a round object to give it volume and depth.
  8. Horizon line: Draw a horizontal reference line to create the illusion that objects in the picture are varying distances from your eye.
  9. Density: Create the illusion of distance by drawing objects lighter and with less detail.

Don’t be overwhelmed by these laws. All of these will be covered in the following lessons.

  1. Draw a circle. If it’s too difficult, use a coffee mug or coin to trace
  2. Determine the light source - direction where the light is coming from. Reasonably, the opposite side of the circle would cast a shadow.
  3. Now cast a shadow on your sphere opposite your light source position. Remember 2 points, position your light source, and cast a shadow on the ground next to the object and opposite the light source.
  4. Scribble shading ON the circle opposite the light source. The furthest place from the light source should be darkest and gets lighter as we go toward the light source.
  5. Use your finger to smudge-blend your shading to give it an even shade.

Here’s my drawing. Still ugly, but looking abit better than pretest drawings i guess? Drawing_lesson_1.1


Let’s draw an apple in 3D form. Take a look at the photograph of an apple with the light source and on the right:


Here’s my result:


Improving already? Move on to Lesson 2!

